What if we told you that you could train like a celebrity but without a “Hollywood salary.”? Rebounding is the trampoline workout that A-list celebs, like Gisele Bündchen, Kaia Gerber, Goldie Hawn, and Eva Longoria (just to name a few), swear by to stay in tip-top shape.
Trampolining isn’t just for kids or Olympic-level athletes—it provides significant benefits to your health and fitness. As Doug Sklar, a certified personal trainer, rebounding strengthens lower back and leg muscles (including quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves) while also aerobically challenging the body. It’s effectively a cardio workout combined with strength training that is low impact on joints.
Of course, there is also an element of fun that some other types of exercise don’t offer. You’re not dreading your workout if you’re having fun. When you regard your workout as playtime instead of a chore, you get more benefits.

Several notable celebs have been trampoline devotees for years. Some of Rebounding’s biggest fans include Gisele Bündchen, Cindy Crawford, Kaia Gerber, Simone De La Rue, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tony Robbins, Goldie Hawn, Miranda Kerr, Ronald Reagan, Nadia Sawalha & Dr Sara Kayat, Eva Longoria to name a few.
Keep reading to learn about the ins and outs of the fitness trend and reasons why you’ll want to jump on it.
What is rebounding?
Rebounding is a high-intensity, low-impact workout typically performed on a mini trampoline, otherwise known as a rebounder.
Rebounding can help work the muscles in the legs, increase your endurance, and strengthen your bones, among a number of other benefits. This type of exercise is gaining popularity because it’s gentle on the joints but allows you to work your cardiovascular system without taxing the body.
The workout involves bouncing and can take on various forms of exercise, such as HIIT, dance-based cardio, strength training, barre, and yoga, all using the piece of equipment to intensify the benefits.
Although simply jumping around on a mini-trampoline can be fun and likely provides some aerobic exercise, a proper rebounding workout follows specific guidelines. Typically, you stay low and jump into the mat rather than bouncing high up off the trampoline.
Why is it easier on the joints?
According to Colette Dong, cofounder of Tribeca trampoline-cardio studio The Ness, the soft mat and cords of a mini trampoline allow it to have “give” so that acceleration and deceleration are essentially absorbed, thus eliminating up to 80 per cent of the shock of landing on a jump. “Hard surfaces like roads and sidewalks don’t have a lot of give, so they have higher impact on the joints,” explains Dong. “Low impact is great because it protects your joints without sacrificing the work for your muscles.” Because of this, you can do it at any age!
So what makes Rebounding the fitness trend that celebrities just don’t want to give up?
What do celebrities say about rebounding exercise?
Check out these fantastic videos that show just how versatile, challenging, and enjoyable trampolining can be!
“It’s an incredible core workout because you’re having to use your core to stabilize you the entire time, so you don’t fall off the trampoline,” says de la Rue, who recently launched a new at-home trampoline workout, Body by Simone: Trampoline Cardio. (Think of it like interval training but with dance cardio bursts on a trampoline.) “And it actually requires your full body, including the largest muscle groups, so it’s going to kick the heart rate up.”
Whether it’s yoga, running, or heavy lifting, Eva Longoria, the former Desperate Housewives star, definitely knows how to have fun and break a sweat at the same time. — and recently, she’s been obsessing over trampoline workouts.
Eva Longoria is faithful to a specific trampoline. She says the JumpSport Fitness Rebounder, which uses bungee cords instead of springs, provides a low-impact “sweaty workout without all the pounding on your knees.”(ICYMI, the actress was an aerobics instructor before she hit Desperate Housewives fame.)
While many young people have been struggling to find the energy to work out at home, the 74-year-old icon is giving all the motivation you need to get up and dance — all while putting a big smile on your face.
Hawn recently shared a video bopping around and jumping on a miniature trampoline to the tune of Dua Lipa’s song “Physical,” and we seriously don’t think we’ve ever seen someone look so enthusiastic while getting their heart rate up.
On-demand workouts are becoming increasingly popular as people seek new ways to stay fit. In the January cover article from Women’s Health, Kate Beckinsale shares that she is ahead of the curve, doing boutique trampoline classes in her own kitchen
We love what actress Julianne Hough said in about making time for exercise—SCHEDULE it in! Julianne starts her Monday’s with a trampoline class by former dancer turned fitness guru to the stars, Simone De La Rue.
Jennifer Gardner, in Women’s Health, explains how she gets ready for a successful workout by laying out her clothes and setting up her coffee maker the night before. She also commits to using the Body By Simone App, which allows her to get in a full trampoline workout at home or on the go.
If you ready to start your rebounding exercise right now and get your mini trampoline please check the best mini trampolines on the market here.
Or you can keep reading to learn about the reasons why you’ll want to jump on the bandwagon(AKA the rebounder)?
Rebounding Benefits in a nutshell
Don’t let the low-impact factor fool you: It brings the intensity (and sweat) while targeting your full body, improving your balance, and challenging your coordination. Rebounding works the entire body, including strengthening and toning your core, back, quads, hamstrings, and glutes (yes, you will feel the burn!), not to mention it boosts endurance and can help relieve stress.
Not to mention, the rebound movements help circulate lymph fluid, which gets rid of toxins, bacteria and dead cells. The joint-friendly exercise is also great for bone density. In fact, astronauts use rebounding when they come back from space to quickly recover lost bone density and muscle mass–and NASA even did a study that found rebounding is 68% more efficient than jogging!
The pelvic floor muscles, located between the tailbone and pubic bone, have been getting a lot of attention lately. Bouncing helps to support the pelvic floor and sexual health by working the deep core muscles that help with bladder and bowel movement, prevent urinary incontinence, and stabilize hip joints.
45 Health Benefits Of Rebounding that made celebs trampoline devotees
Benefits of Rebounding for Weight Loss
1-Enhances digestion and elimination
The Rhythmic up-and-down motion of jumping on a trampoline helps improve digestion. This is because it stimulates the contraction and relaxation of muscles that make up the digestive tract, which allow improved peristalsis. When this happens, your body becomes more efficient in processing and absorbing nutrients.
2-Regulate Appetite
Rebounding helps by equalizing your hormones, giving you control over hunger-inducing cravings which helps regulating your appetite. Consistent use will allow you to burn an extra 250 calories per day, resulting in one pound of weight lost per week.
3-Stimulates metabolism
If you’re hoping to lose weight, long cardio sessions may do more harm than good. That’s because when you work out at a high intensity for extended periods of time, your metabolism can actually drop. Rebounding can help rev up your metabolism and support your weight loss goals as it is gentle enough that you can breathe comfortably throughout the entire workout.
4-Tightens your tummy
Rebounding allows you to do a variety of moves to target specific areas of the body. You can do oblique twists while you jump to help define your waist. As you jump, twist your hips one way and your chest the other, and then switch sides.
5-Reduces cellulite
Rebounding frequently can diminish cellulite over time by improving lymphatic flow , getting rid of any fluid buildup or retention that could be causing your cellulite to look particularly unsightly.
Many women see a reduction in their cellulite after rebounding regularly for several months.
6-Lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Because cholesterol and weight are usually related, it’s essential to lower your cholesterol if you want to lose weight.
7-Helps measure activity output
Knowing how much you exercise is important whether your goal is to lose weight, tone up, or add muscle. Rebounding makes it easy to monitor your cardio routine by counting bounces or durations. This info can quickly be used with the Cellercise Monitor to calculate the calories burned.
8-gives you more effective results in less time
Tired of dedicating multiple hours to the treadmill with few results? Rebounding works on various levels to help you achieve your fitness goals. Not only does it improve heart and lung health, but it also offers an excellent way to tone muscles while providing a cardiovascular workout. In addition, rebounding helps rid your body of toxins by stimulating lymph nodes and boosting metabolism so you’ll continue burning calories throughout the day.
9-A true whole body exercise
Rebounding-bouncing on a mini trampoline-is an excellent workout for your entire body as it helps improve muscle mass, cardiovascular health, and posture. It also strengthens legs and arms while helping build ankle and knee strength .
10-Keeps lost pounds off
Losing weight is only the first step – you also need to find a way to keep it off. For people who have been successful in shedding those unwanted pounds, they’ve made physical activity part of their daily routine. Rebounding is a great workout option for anyone looking to maintain their new healthy body.
11-Helps prevent emotional eating
Exercising by rebounding gives you a rush of endorphins which stabilizes your mood, benefitting those who tend to overeat when they’re feeling down.
12-Increases stamina to keep you going
Working out on a trampoline strengthens your stamina as it boosts the production of neurotransmitters which boost your energy. This heightened level energy provides you with the motivation to stay active and lose weight.
14-Helps you maintain stable blood sugar
Introducing rebounding into your exercise routine can have a big impact on your blood sugar levels and insulin function. This, in turn, can reduce your risk of developing metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes. If you already have one of these conditions, rebounding can help you manage it more effectively.
15-Has a domino effect
Making healthy choices that lead to weight loss starts with small decisions, like working out in the morning. Rebounding is an excellent way to wake your body up and get it moving for the rest of the day.
16-Pairs well with burst training and high-intensity interval training
These two popular forms of exercise that are known for burning calories, improving endurance, and increasing overall fitness can easily be done on a rebounder, making it a more convenient way to get fit in less time.
17-Is comfortable way to approach exercise
Rebounding is a great workout because it’s easily doable no matter the temperature outside. You can use your rebounder inside your home or take it outside with you to enjoy some fresh air while still getting exercise. By making rebounding fun and flexible, you’re more likely to stick with it as part of your regular routine.
Mental Benefits of rebounding
18-Improve brain performance
Rebounding’s positive impact on lung capacity and blood oxygen levels naturally aid mental performance. Rebounding can aid memory, creative thinking, and concentration levels while additionally slowing the cognitive decline. Rebounding is additionally shown to encourage better sleep patterns which can aid immediate and long-term mental performance.
19-stimulates learning process
Working out on the rebounder regularly will actively improve your brain function, and make learning more engaging. The increased oxygen in your blood can help with attention, memory, language skills, motor skills, and critical thinking.
20-Boosts mood
Just like any other exercise, rebounding helps to boost your mood. Being physically active releases hormones that make you happy, so you should get a rush of elation during or after you work out. Rebounding also has the added bonus of being a great deal of fun.
21-Improves memory
For your brain to function properly, it needs adequate blood flow. Good circulation helps your brain receive oxygen and other things it needs, which improves overall brain function. If you want better memory, regular exercise on a rebounder can help improve this condition.
22-Combats Depression
Although being active cannot erase depression or other mental illnesses, it can improve your mood and self-esteem by caring for yourself. Rebounding is a great exercise because not only is it fun, easy to do, but also endorphin releasing.
23-Improves Reaction Time
Being able to rapidly move and respond to your surroundings allows you to stay fit and safe. Rebounding helps improve your reaction times by stimulating your eyes and ears as you bounce. This also enhances your balance and coordination.
24-Encourage cellular decompression
Under physical or emotional stress, individual cells throughout our bodies can become stressed on a cellular level–imagine a computer hard drive slowly filling with too much information until it eventually slows down from lower levels of efficiency. This is precisely what happens when cells get compressed. Cellular decompression, which can be brought about by rebounding, may even stimulate growth in brain cells.
25-Release Endorphins
Exercising with a rebounder releases endorphins, which come with many benefits. You can regulate the intensity to match your routine, meaning you can get serious workouts that will help improve your mental state.
26-Reduces the urge to ruminate
Exercises such as rebounding can help prevent people from dwelling on negative events from the past by changing the blood flow to certain areas in the brain. These areas are known to trigger people into thinking about stressful thoughts repeatedly.
Benefits of Rebounding for Body and overall health
27-Increase mitochondrial function
If you’re feeling excessively tired, unable to exercise for long periods of time, or have trouble with coordination, you may be experiencing mitochondrial dysfunction. Rebounding is an excellent way to get regular exercise that can help combat this condition.
28-Prevent degeneration from high-impact exercises
Astronauts often utilize trampoline exercises- such as rebounding- upon return from space missions in order to retrain their bodies and prevent bones and muscles from deterioration. If you partake in high impact exercise a couple times a week, then rebounding will more than suffice in preventing further degeneration that is common with strenuous activity.
29-Collagen Strengthens
Not only does rebounding strengthens your collagen (which means youthful-looking skin for longer), but it also keeps your skin healthy and looking its best.
30-Engages the ocular and inner ear
When you rebound, or jump up and down on a mini-trampoline, you are using both your eyesight and your inner ear canal. Your inner ear is part of the vestibular system, which controls balance. This means that rebounding can help improve balance, coordination, reaction times, as well as proprioception.
31-Increases lung capacity
Rebounding not only strengthens your lungs but also increases their capacity. How? Rebounding allows you to do controlled breathing, which gives more oxygen to your cells and tissues, consequently improving strength and endurance.
32-Supports the pelvic floor
Pelvic floor weakening and loosening is a common issue for both women post-pregnancy and childbirth. Causes can include bladder or bowel problems, heavy lifting, and even constipation. Left untreated, a weak pelvic floor may lead to prolapse.
Though it may not look like it, bouncing on a trampoline is an excellent way to tone your pelvic floor muscles. As you jump, the muscles are activated and reminded when to tighten and relax. With time, this leads to a stronger pelvic floor for both genders.
33- Has anti-inflammatory effects
Rebounding effectively promotes lymphatic drainage, which can reduce inflammation throughout your body.
34- Strengthens the heart
Given that heart disease is the number one cause of death in America, it’s critical that you pay attention to your heart health.
35-Fights fatigue
Though you might feel exhausted after ONE rebounding session, the long-term effects of increased energy levels WILL make it worthwhile. Exercising on a regular basis reinforces your muscles so that everyday activities won’t be as draining.
36- Helps circulate oxygen to tissues
Your tissues and cells need a constant supply of oxygen to function properly. If they don’t get enough oxygen, every organ in your body can be impacted, especially the brain, heart, and kidneys.
37-Aids lymphatic circulation
The lymphatic system helps maintain equilibrium in your blood and lymphatic fluid levels while also ridding your body of toxins. In addition, the system distributes immune cells throughout the body to help fight infection.
38- Lowers blood pressure
Rebounding helps your muscles to contract, which results in the rhythmic compression of veins and arteries.
This helps move fluids more effectively through the body and back to the heart, which helps lower peripheral blood pressure.
40- Improves the immune system
Rebounding boosts the immune system by stimulating the action of red bone marrow and supporting the repair of tissue.
41-Improves the endocrine system
Because getting rid of excess hormones and toxins is an important factor in a healthy endocrine system, rebounding is a great way to correct a hormone imbalance.
42-Improves the effects of other exercises
Studies have shown that people who rebounded for 30 seconds between each set of weight lifting saw 25% more improvement in their muscles after 12 weeks than those who didn’t rebound.
43-Reduces your risk of chronic disease
Rebounding helps improve insulin sensitivity, heart health, and body composition while decreasing blood pressure and blood fat.
These health benefits prevent you from increasing belly fat, which can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death.
44-Gives you antioxidant protection
Rebounding provides you with antioxidant protection and increases your blood flow, which can help protect the internal structure of your skin and delay signs of aging.
45- Improves your sexual health
Rebounding can lower a man’s risk of erectile dysfunction or improve the sexual function of men who are already affected by erectile dysfunction. For women, exercise can help increase sexual arousal.
How to start Rebounding
Although it may be tempting to want to jump really high on the rebounder like you did on the trampoline as a child, remember that the goal is actually to keep your body low while engaging all of your muscles: including your core, quads, hamstrings and glutes. Imagine pushing down with every jump but staying upright. If you have any medical conditions which affect your vision or balance, please consult with doctor before trying rebounding exercises.
If you’re looking for a workout that is fun and will make you sweat, rebounding might be exactly what you need. You can try a class at a local studio, or if you have access to a rebounder, there are plenty of online workouts available. YouTube, Obé Fitness, and the ness all have great options that vary in length and intensity.
The best thing about rebounding (aside from the great workout, of course) is that you can freestyle it however you want, as long as you’re safe and have good form. Take a cue from Goldie Hawn (above) and dance/jump around to your favorite playlist.
The takeaway
Whether you’re looking for a low-impact routine or for motivation to kickstart your fitness goals, rebounding may be just what you need to bounce some life back into your exercise routine.
Rebounding at work is a great way to get your blood pumping, release endorphins, and help you focus on the workday ahead. Bungee cord rebounders are not only compact but virtually silent so you won’t disturb your officemates. You might even gain a couple workout buddies, too.